Friday, 21 June 2013

The Mid-Day Mile and More!

Hello everyone!

It's been a couple of months since my last post, because so much has been going on! Today I want to update you all on what's been happening... It really has been a whirlwind couple to months.

Firstly, I'm very happy to announce that The Mid-day Mile in aid of Oxford Heart Centre was a HUGE success! After months of hard work, we pulled it off and ended up having a fabulous day. Everybody made a fantastic effort with fancy dress, with myself as the Queen of Hearts (seemed appropriate), and really had an enjoyable day with not only the run, but the raffle, cake stall and many other activities as well. I am so proud to say that collectively, we managed to raise £839.30p, exceeding our goal by £500. I want to say a massive thank you to all those who came to the event, donated money, helped out and just generally supported and helped me to achieve this. And to those who missed out this year, don't worry! We're hoping to make this an annual event, making it bigger and better next year :)
Photo of The Mid-Day Mile.

As if that isn't enough, I have some more exciting news for you! A few weeks ago, I got an unexpected phone call from BBC Radio Oxford (I must admit, they had interrupted a pretty good nap I was having at the time, but once I'd found out who it was, I didn't mind so much!), telling me that they'd received the letter my Grandparents wrote regarding this blog, and they wanted to have me on the show, to tell my story! So, yesterday I went on the Malcolm Boyden show and did just that. It is honestly one of the best experiences I have ever had. From the moment I walked in they made me feel right at home. We had a chat about my diagnosis of M.E, what M.E means to me, the cashpoint story (those who have read my first post will understand that one) and my heart conditions. Hopefully those who have listened (should be available on the website, I was on at about 10:10am) will now have a greater understanding of the illnesses, and of me as a person! It felt so good to be able to talk about these issues so truthfully, especially knowing that it will have reached a wider audience. It just felt good knowing that I was going to be heard, because it's been a long hard battle to get people to listen to me at all. This opportunity is all thanks to my Grandparents which really does show that you can achieve anything you put your mind to, if you have enough determination and a good support system around you. So thank you both of you :) Here's the link to catch the show:

And finally, the reason why it's taken me so long to post in the first place; I had my surgery!
On the 5th June 2013, I had an Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator fitted. It's a device that will detect any disrupted heart rhythms, and help shock it back into a normal rhythm if needed. The surgery only lasted about an hour and a half, and after months of trying to decide whether to have it done, it was over in a flash. For a few days it was extremely uncomfortable, but I'm pleased to say that it's healed up well and doesn't interfere with my daily life really at all. (Although, I am looking forward to what airport security are going to make of me next month). Many people have asked whether it's going to improve me much, but the answer is unfortunately, no. It's only there as a back up, to stop me from getting any worse! The only thing that has really changed for me since it was fitted, is that my friends now call me Iron Man. And I have a pretty cool scar, too. So all in all, it could be worse... ;)

I have just one last bit of news for you all. My heart has now improved slightly, and I am now classed as being in Stage 2 Heart Failure, rather than Stage 3! Slowly but surely, nearly a year later, my life is back on track and I feel more like myself than I have done in months.

As ever, thank you all for your never ending love and support... I promise (and I really mean it this time) that you'll be hearing from me soon!

Lindsey, AKA Iron Man.

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